Living Kitchen - Autumn Vibes

Hi everyone.
It's been a long time since the last post. Busy time at the office.
As always this is just a part of a much larger project done in Communication Lab. This is just the scenes where i worked on the most. This time there was a difference.
We had the supervision of an Art Director.
This means that we can concentrate in modelling, materials, lights, camera and rendering set up.
Our contribution to object's selection was very limited. There's just a little object I want to take credit for.
The "Palantir" in the cover image which, I know, is a dangerous object to play with...
Hope you appreciate it.

Kitchen set one
This is a part of a larger project done in Communication Lab. I didn't upload everything because I didn't work on every scene. This is the scene where i worked most, where I choose the shoot or did the entire process from modelling to final rendering and PS in some cases. The entire project took 2 months and involved the entire studio. Hope you will appreciate it.

Material Study: Metals
A personal work that is still in progress in material study. For this project I'm using the Mastering CGI free shader ball model. Other metals will be uploaded as soon as possibile.

White Kitchen
A work made for a presentation at "Salone Internazionale del mobile" Milano. This is the final render images with no post production applaied.

Bathroom set 1
This is a little part of a much larger project that we did 6 month ago. Every render is without postproduction.

Domestic appliances presentation
This is just a part of a larger project that involve the entire studio. In some case, like the last 3 images, we choose the photo insert. Because of that you will find a white box that is needed for the post production to understand the volume of the object that had to be inserted.

Grey Kitchen
A project made in Communication Lab for "Salone Internazionale del Mobile" Milan 2018.